Milestone I Demo Feedback
2 minute read
- The score for motors are higher -> The score for control is scaled
- Self assessments need to be more concise, specific, and measurable
- Prioritize show first, then explain
- Organization is vital (use PowerPoint if necessary)
- Show the best features clearly (design freeze)
- Keep in mind about the spacing of the encoders
- Obtain ALL of the motor parameters (especially mechanical parameters)
- Extremely important for later on to find paramters on the custom made motor
- Electrical
- Mechanical:
- J, B, K (don’t need to unless we’re actually adding spring)
- Electromechanical:
- Torque constant
- Back EMF constant
- Windings are done nicely and cleanly
- In the future when using laminated cores, make sure there is minimum airgap
- (Potential gotcha) When using metal windings, the cross section of the core is rectangular, but the winding is curved; thus the insulation near the corners of the core are worn. This can cause the current to all go through the core and render the rotor useless.
- Cylindrical commutators are common. Commutators in general needs more work
- Most motors are in a test bench (good), Make sure the parts of the test bench are contrained (fix them together)
- Most brushes are not mechanically mounted. Making sure the brushes are making just enough contact with the commutator without introducing too much friction
- Know if the motor will self-start (for fixed commutator brushes)
- Make sure the base of the test bench is not flexible and flimsy
Couple of More Things
- Derivative term (using finite difference derivative): (Pf-Pi)/(change in time)
- If the (discrete) signal is slower than the sampling time, the velocity over time will appear like an impulse train
- Some filter (such as averaging) is required
- Faster control frequency is better, but will cause problem with derivative term
- Make sure ISR is short and as fast as possible
- Bloated ISR will impose lower control frequency
- Never want ISR to be interrupted
- A nice milestone is to have a real open-loop (no feedback) step response similar to the simulated step response
- Then do a close loop step response with PID, and compare it with the simulated step response
- Problems with cylindrical commutator
- If the commutator is not perfectly round, the brushes are bouncing around
- Short gap cause sparking and bouncing brushes
- Try disk commutator
- Put brushes near the center of the disk (low speed, low friction)
- Make disk out of PCB (put spot of solderable spot for winding connection)
shows magnetic field when you put windings around magnetic material; shows saturation.
- Glue won’t work for laminating metal; paint works well
- Use paint to laminate
- Use nuts, bolts, and washers to clamp them overnight
- Generally bad idea to glue the shaft with rotor
- Drill a hole and use a set screw
- Build a closed motor for use